Friday, March 6, 2015

The Jump

It was a snowy day in Vail and there was a large jump in the distance. There was a gap between the jump and the landing ramp. It would have been the biggest jump I had gone off of. I went into the terrain park and skied toward the large jump.

I stop at the top of the hill before the jump while my dad gets ready to film the moment. He gives me a thumbs up and I drop in. I fly through the cold wind and go off the jump. For one moment I was flying. But when I hit the ground I was leaning too far back, and my skies flew out from under me and pop off my feet.

My poles were ripped off of me taking my gloves with them. I keep sliding for another ten yards the come to a stop. My wrists were hurting and so were my legs. Even though I might have hurt myself, my dad got the whole thing on video. It was a great fail video and the wipeout was worth it.


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