Thursday, March 19, 2015

Red Rocks

After a long walk I reach a large stairway. My family and I could hear the crowd saddling in while we walk up the stairs. My mom hands a person are tickets and he lets us through the gate. The amphitheater was huge! It was almost full, people were everywhere. We walk up another staircase, and we find our seats.

We could see all of Denver from our seats, and the sun was setting to the left of the city. We could see the band doing their final prep for the performance so my sister and I hurry to get some food and a drink. After five or so minutes we are back at our seats. Everyone in the crowd was chatting and meeting the people next to them. The main lights aim at the stage, it was about to begin.

The drum gives a riff and the first song starts. The music was so loud I could feel myself vibrating. The band was One Republic, so at least I like the super loud sounds. The whole crowd (including our family) was jumping up and down and screaming. I could tell this would be an amazing concert.  



  1. I went to this concert too! :) I love your descriptions, they were really good. Nice Slice!

  2. This is beautiful, Logan. You made really developed a sense of place with your writing.
