Monday, March 9, 2015

The Tunnel

Deeper, Deeper, and Deeper. The boat is still floating above us. It was my fourth open water dive. After this I would be a certified scuba diver. We get to 40 feet deep and swim towards the wall. The water was warm and we were all enjoying the reef. The wall was so cool once we arrived. But when we got there we were 60 feet deep. We spent time at the wall, but we went to the flat reef.

There we could see everything we could see at the wall, but from a different prospective. We explore for a while but the dive master takes us to a whole in the coral. It was a tunnel under the coral. The dive master goes first, I go second. When I got in it I was stunned that it was full of life. I thought it would be empty, but there were crabs, squirrel fish, and many other animals.

It got a little colder inside but nothing surprising. When we came out of the tunnel we were back on the wall and we continued the dive. That was an amazing experience and I would never forget it. When we got out of the water we talked about the adventure, and how I couldn’t have been cooler.



  1. That sounds awesome!. You did a good job summarizing the story.

  2. WOW, that sound like a blast! I liked your description
