Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Allergy Shot

I walk into the waiting room and wait till the person that gives me my shot call my name. I take my book out of my backpack and wait. “Logan?” the nurse calls my name and I walk into a room. There is a box full of used shots and a box with unused ones. The nurse gets my serum and puts them into the shot. I was at my largest and most painful shot.

She pinches my arm and counts to three. 1, 2, 3. I don’t mind shots but this one hurt. Then the next arm. This one hurt even more than the last. It felt like a bee sting! I walk out of the room rubbing my arm glad it was over. I go back to the waiting room and sit down for twenty minute, as usual.

My time was finally over so I get my arm checked. As always it was fine. And she said see you again next week. I came every week, and I hated it, but I eventually got used to the pain and the amount of shots I get. Even though I didn’t like it, it was helping me. I am not looking forward to next week.


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