Friday, March 20, 2015


The sun was out, and my sister and I were on the trampoline. We hadn’t been on the trampoline in a while because of the snow, after all it was early spring. I had just taught myself how to backflip but I wanted to do it without bouncing. Before I tried my sister and I were just bouncing as planes flew overhead and clouds passed.  

She was trying to teach me some things she learned in her gymnastics class, but I couldn’t do everything. However, she did teach me how to back handspring. I did a few backflips, but I was ready to try a standing one. I bend my knees, lean back, then throw my head backwards.

I soon as my feet left the ground I knew I did it wrong. As I was upside down I landed on my head. My body bends in a very uncomfortable way, and my legs slam down on the trampoline. My neck had cracked but didn’t break (I was sure), and because of the way my body bent I felt like I was hit by a truck.

My sister helped me inside while I could feel my heartbeat in my head.  Rite when I got in my mom gets my some ice. I lay down on the couch in pure agony, and put the ice on my neck. I turn on the T.V., and sigh because of relief and pain. It was a very painful moment, but I was glad it was over.


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